I really love to be speaker, during the last 5 years I have participated in different events since local initiatives to international events as SQLBits.
Nowadays, I am a regular speaker on database technologies and unit testing on DB technologies. I have a strong compromise with Dev community in Malaga, Spain and it impulse myself to give them quality content as part of PASS Malaga chapter.
Here you can see every event that I have participated since 2019.
Discovering the potential of Azure Cosmos for PostgreSQL – A practical introduction
May 9, 2024

It was an in-person event which is part of Global Azure 2024. I shared an introduction of Azure Cosmos for PostgreSQL, the challenges and best use cases for this impressive technology.
Read moreFundamentos del Modelado de Datos y su Importancia en el Desarrollo de Software
May 8, 2024

Esta evento online fue organizado con el patrocinio de IDERA.
Read moreDataWeekender: From DB Engineer to Data Engineer with less pain
November 4, 2023

In this session, I want to share my journey for my own career change. There were a lot of challenges and obstacles, but some tips and guidelines always help us to overcome the problems and do a transition with less pain.
Read moreDataScotland: Building a strategy for migrating our Database to Azure Cloud
September 2, 2022

About my session This session is focused on the process of building a solid and consistent strategy that allows us to migrate our existing Database toward proper Azure Cloud offers. We will take a Microsoft SQL Server on-premise and walk through the main stages and milestones to be achieved for a successful migration. It starts from setting…
Read moreFirst steps to go ahead with MS SQL Server on Linux
January 28, 2021

Every beginning is difficult, but adopting the right strategy can mark the difference. In this session, I am going to share some of the most valuable lessons learned in my journey through the use of Linux as a platform together with MS SQL Server.
Read moreTécnicas para la Optimización de Consultas en MySQL – Sponsored by IDERA
August 9, 2020
Disfruta aquí mi primer evento en español con la empresa IDERA, quienes de forma muy amable me extendieron una invitación para dar una sesión que lleva por titulo “Técnicas para la Optimización de Consultas en MySQL – Como Sobrevivir desde las Trincheras de nuestras Bases de Datos”.
Read moreIntroducción a los planes de ejecución en MS SQL Server – .Net Nicaragua
March 13, 2020

Happy to continue supporting the growing IT community from Nicaragua and Central America too, this time I will be speaking about one of my favorites topics: Execution Plans in MS SQL Server. Thanks to Redgate Software for sponsoring us with this event.
Read moreAprendiendo a aprender – Guía para profesionales IT
March 4, 2020

En esta sesión estaremos hablando y compartiendo experiencias sobre una de las destrezas más valiosas que debemos adquirir como profesionales IT, y es nuestra capacidad de aprender en forma rápida y consistente nuevas tecnologías y paradigmas que están en constante evolución. Sin embargo, Que aprender? Para que? y Como? Son preguntas vitales que siempre debemos formularnos como primer paso, además estaremos abordando algunos principios fundamentales sobre la gestión del aprendizaje, y cómo realizar la transición hacia diferentes roles, perfiles y tecnologias.
Read moreWebinar in .Net Ni (Nicaragua)
February 22, 2020

I feel very thankful and happy for the opportunity to be a speaker in the .Net community from my born country Nicaragua, after several years, is a pleasure to support with other colleagues and try to impulse the growth of technological talent through communities. You can download the presentation and source code in my GitHub repository: https://github.com/geohernandez/NetNi_SSDT
Read morePASS Marathon – How you can Keep your SQL Code Protected with GIT
July 30, 2019

Always for me is a big challenge to face this kind of event, I am not used to giving presentations via webinar, however, it is a great way to share with other people from SQL Community. I hope that you find useful and any question doesn’t hesitate to write me. The link for download the recorded session is here:
Read moreSQLSaturday Cork 2019
June 29, 2019

Great experience in SQL Saturday Cork where I presented my session “Keeping your SQL Code safe – An introduction to GIT and SSDT for DB professionals”. I really enjoyed the opportunity of presenting my session in this city and I have to recognize the excellent work done by the organizers. https://sqlsaturday.com/2019-06-29-SQLSat-0862/#speakers
Read moreSQLBits 2019
February 27, 2019

SQLBits was my first international event, in my career it represented a big chance and I really prepared in deep to bring the best of me. The material and link to my session here: https://sqlbits.com/Sessions/Event18/Lets_go_deep_in_SQL_Server_Unit_Testing_with_Visual_Studio
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